Since the challenge on Sunday to gain Godly wisdom, many have shared what God has already shown you through His Word. One grandmother told me her daughter-in-law is taking her 6yr. old twin girls through it, asking their mom to not stop reading.
I linked Pastor Wayne Cordeiro's (New Hope Community Fellowship, Honolulu Hawaii) S.O.A.P method with the parable of ten virgins (5 wise and 5 foolish). The gathering of wisdom causes our light to shine brighter and gives a never ending reservoir of wisdom's oil.
Here's the short of the message:
1. We must know the difference between planning and preparation (God plans, man prepares)
2. Preparation positions us to fulfill God's plans
3. The gathering of wisdom is a part of God's preparation for us.
4. Enter the S.O.A.P method for attaining wisdom in our lives.
Bring a Bible (devotionals, while good, are not a substitute for our reading the Word of God)
Bring a Pen
Bring a Reading Program (systematically read through the Bible)
Bring a Journal
S = Scripture: Choose a verse or two through which God is speaking to you
O = Observation: what God is saying here?
A = Application: What is God saying to you?
P = Prayer: write a prayer solidifying it in your heart.
Please share with me your stories as a result of taking this 30 day challenge through this blog, or by emailing me:
Proverbs 18:4 reads, "A wise man's words express deep streams of thought." (LB)
Be blessed! Be in God's Word. Drill deep. Be filled with God's wisdom!